Phase I Study of Dystrophin Plasmid-Based Gene Therapy in Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy

Autor: Norma B. Romero, Serge Braun, Olivier Benveniste, France Leturcq, Jean-Yves Hogrel, Glenn E. Morris, Annie Barois, Bruno Eymard, Christine Payan, Véronique Ortega, Anne-Laure Boch, Lise Lejean, Christine Thioudellet, Brigitte Mourot, Christophe Escot, Aurore Choquel, Dominique Recan, Jean-Claude Kaplan, George Dickson, David Klatzmann, Valérie Molinier-Frenckel, Jean-Gérard Guillet, Patrick Squiban, Serge Herson, Michel Fardeau
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Human Gene Therapy. 15:1065-1076
ISSN: 1557-7422
Popis: Nine patients with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy were injected via the radialis muscle with a full-length human dystrophin plasmid, either once with 200 or 600 microg of DNA or twice, 2 weeks apart, with 600 microg of DNA. In the biopsies taken 3 weeks after the initial injection, the vector was detected at the injection site in all patients. Immunohistochemistry and nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction indicated dystrophin expression in six of nine patients. The level of expression was low (up to 6% weak, but complete sarcolemmal dystrophin staining, and up to 26% partial sarcolemmal labeling). No side effects were observed, nor any cellular or humoral anti-dystrophin responses. These results suggest that exogenous dystrophin expression can be obtained in Duchenne/Becker patients after intramuscular transfer of plasmid, without adverse effects, hence paving the way for future developments in gene therapy of hereditary muscular diseases.
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