Evaza maculifera de Meijere 1914

Autor: Rozkošný, Rudolf, Vaňhara, Jaromír
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6495929
Popis: Evaza maculifera de Meijere, 1914 (Figs 21–25) Evaza maculifera de Meijere, 1914: 10 Diagnosis. Characterised by contrastingly bicoloured legs and transverse dark band on wing before apex. Line at upper margin of anepisternum very narrow or indistinct, scutellar margin and spines yellow. Femora predominantly yellow, tibiae black and basitarsi of mid and hind legs contrastingly white. Male genital capsule with setose inner distal lobe on each basistylus. Redescription. Male (Figs 23–25). Body length 4.9–5.3 mm, wing length 3.8–4.2 mm. Head as long as high, postocular area not visible in lateral view. Frons with whitish tomentose equilateral triangle divided by a black line in middle. Antenna reddish yellow, flagellum almost circular, usually not broader than scape, pedicel barely prominent on inner distal margin. Face shining black, whitish tomentose below antennae and along inner margin of eyes. Thorax shining black, pale line along upper margin of anepisternum very narrow or indistinct, postpronotal callus shining reddish brown, scutellum predominantly black, only distal margin and spines yellow. Thoracic pile mostly appressed, dense and predominatly white, more reddish brown in prescutellar area. Pleural pubescence also white, longer on posterior part of anepisternum and katepisternum. All coxae yellow as femora, only distal fourth of hind femur darkened. Tibiae and tarsi black, only basitarsi of mid and hind legs contrastingly white. Fore tarsomeres relatively broadened. Darkening of wing in form of a transverse band before wing apex, but discal cell at least partly and wing apex usually hyaline. Halter yellow. Abdomen about twice as long as maximally broad, oval, dark brown to black, abdominal pubescence brownish dorsally and more whitish ventrally. Male terminalia (Figs 23–25): Proctiger stout and cerci barely twice as long as broad (Fig. 23). Gonostylus lobate in dorsal view, without distinct submedian spine, inner distal corner of gonocoxite with a low setose lobe (Fig. 24). Genital capsule V-shaped emarginate medially in ventral view and middle third of genital capsule rounded (Fig. 25). Female (Figs 21–22). Body length 5.2–6.5 mm, wing length 4.0– 4.4 mm. Head about as high as long in profile and twice as broad as long in dorsal view. Postocular area in dorsal view as broad as fore femur in middle. Frons shining black, unusually broad, at narrowest part in lower third three times as broad as anterior ocellus, subtriangular whitish tomentose spot above antennae with longitudinal black line in middle, as in male not touching eye margin. Antenna as in male but flagellum distinctly larger, pedicel rounded on inner distal margin, without conspicuous prominence. Face with two pairs whitish tomentose stripes along eye margin and along mouth margin, both confluent at gena. Palpus longer than in male, dark brown to black, reaching half length of labellum. Thorax, scutellum and wing as in male but legs more yellow, apex of hind femur usually not darkened. Abdomen usually slightly broader than in male, abdominal pile mostly black dorsally and longer and white on pleura. Type material. Two males and three female syntypes in ZMAN according to Woodley (2001) (all in RNH now). Two male syntypes “/E. Jackobson, Wonosobo, Java, Apr. 1909 / Evaza maculifera det. de Meijere, Type Evaza maculifera de Meijere, 1914 / ZMAN Type Dipt. 0920.1/” and “/E. Jacobson, Goenoeng, Oengaran, Java, Sept. 1910 / Evaza maculifera de Meijere, 1914 / ZMAN Type Dipt. 0920.2/”. Three female syntypes labelled “/E. Jacobson, Goenoeng, Gedelin, Java, Mart 1911/ Evaza maculifera de Meijere, 1914 / ZMAN Type Dipt. 0 920.3, 0 920.4 and 0920.5/”. Other material examined. Indonesia: 1♂ Northern Sulawesi, Danowudy, dray sandy loc., 1°20´N, 125°07´E, 18–24.ix.2004, D. Sembel, FSMU. Malaysia: 1 ♀ Phang, Pulau, Tioman, Kampong Tekek to Kampong Juara, 23.iii.1962, K.J. Kuncheria, BPBM. 7 ♂, 11 ♀: North Borneo (SE), Forest Camp, 19 km N of Kalabakan, 12.x.1962 (4 ♀), 17.x.1962 (1 ♂, 2 ♀), 21.x.1962 (2 ♂), 1.xi.1962 (1 ♂), 8.xi.1962 (1 ♂), 30.xi.1962 (1 ♂); all Y. Hirashima; 17.x.1962 (1 ♀), 19.x.1962 (2 ♀), 25.x.1962 (1 ♀), 4.xi.1962 (1 ♀), 9.xi.1962 (1 ♂); all K. J. Kuncheria; all BPBM. Philipinnes: 1 ♀ Negros, L. Belinsusayao, 1–7.x.1959, C.M. Yoshimoto; 1 ♂ Luzon, Camarines Sur, Mt. Isarog, Pili, 800 m, 30.iv.1965, H.M. Torrevillas; both BPBM. Thailand: 1 ♀ Phang Nga Prov., Khaolak, nr. Elephant camp, 8.76° N, 98.28° E, 16–21.xii.2009, N. Vikhrev, CSCA. Vietnam: 1 ♂ Quang Binh Prov., 1 km N of Cha Lo, 400 m, 17°41´22´´N, 105°45´45´´, E.L. Dembický, MMB. Remarks. According to de Meijere (1916a) the yellow distal margin of the scutellum may be considerable reduced. A female from northern Borneo displayed the not too conspicuous reddish margin of abdomen. Distribution. Indonesia: Java (syntypes), Sumatra: Sinabang, Sibigo (de Meijere 1916a) and Tjibodas (de Meijere 1918). Here recorded from N Sulawesi and the Philippines (Negros and Luzon) as well as from Malaysia for the first time.
Published as part of Rozkošný, Rudolf & Vaňhara, Jaromír, 2017, A revision of the species of Evaza Walker described by J. C. H. de Meijere (Diptera, Stratiomyidae, Pachygastrinae), pp. 219-237 in Zootaxa 4231 (2) on pages 232-235, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4231.2.5, http://zenodo.org/record/291288
{"references":["Meijere, J. C. H. de (1914) Studien uber sudostasiatische Dipteren VIII. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 56 (Supplement), 1 - 99.","Woodley, N. E. (2001) A World Catalog of the Stratiomyidae (Insecta: Diptera). North American Dipterists´Society, Washington and Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 473 pp.","Meijere, J. C. H. de (1916 a) Fauna Simalurensis-Diptera. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 58 (Supplement), 1 - 63.","Meijere, J. C. H. de (1918) Studien uber sudostasiatische Dipteren. XIV. Verzeichnis der von mir behandelten Arten. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 60 (1917), 275 - 369."]}
Databáze: OpenAIRE