Observations and Interpretation of a Low Coronal Shock Wave Observed in the EUV by the SDO/AIA

Autor: John C. Raymond, Leon Golub, Paola Testa, David Long, Paolo C. Grigis, Suli Ma, Huadong Chen, Jun Lin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Popis: Taking advantage of both the high temporal and spatial resolution of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), we studied a limb coronal shock wave and its associated extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wave that occurred on 2010 June 13. Our main findings are (1) the shock wave appeared clearly only in the channels centered at 193 \AA and 211 \AA as a dome-like enhancement propagating ahead of its associated semi-spherical CME bubble; (2) the density compression of the shock is 1.56 according to radio data and the temperature of the shockis around 2.8 MK; (3) the shock wave first appeared at 05:38 UT, 2 minutes after the associated flare has started and 1 minute after its associated CME bubble appeared;(4) the top of the dome-like shock wave set out from about 1.23 R\odot and the thickness of the shocked layer is ~ 2\times10^4 km; (5) the speed of the shock wave is consistent with a slight decrease from about 600 km/s to 550 km/s; (6) the lateral expansion of the shock wave suggests a constant speed around 400 km/s, which varies at different heights and directions. Our findings support the view that the coronal shock wave is driven by the CME bubble, and the on-limb EUV wave is consistent with a fast wave or at least includes the fast wave component.
Comment: 24 pages,8 Figures and 6 movies. It is scheduled for publication on the Astrophysical Journal on the August 1, 2011, Issue 736 -2
Databáze: OpenAIRE