Osseous Formation in Lupus Erythematosus

Autor: William B. Trimble
Rok vydání: 1920
Popis: The following case seems to be sufficiently unusual and to have enough interesting features, both clinical and microscopic, to justify recording it. REPORT OF CASE History.— Recently, the patient presented himself at the college clinic and the following notes were made: The man was of medium weight and height and apparently in good physical condition; aged 42, born in Austria, occupation, painter. His family history had no bearing on the condition; his father's death was caused by asthma at 62; his mother died of pneumonia at 58. There were ten children in the family—six boys and four girls—all alive and well, except one brother whose death was caused by "stomach trouble," as the patient expressed it. His past history was of little consequence. He had been in excellent health all his life with the exception of the skin affection. At the age of 37, five years previous to this writing
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