Mechanistic and Molecular Investigations on Stabilization of Horseradish Peroxidase C

Autor: Hans-Juergen Hecht, Ursula Bilitewski, Joachim Reichelt, Anja Schmidt, Jens T. Schumacher
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Analytical Chemistry. 74:3037-3045
ISSN: 1520-6882
Popis: The enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) shows a decreasing activity when the enzyme's substrate hydrogen peroxide is present with the degree of inactivation being dependent on the incubation time and the hydrogen peroxide concentration. Incubation times of some minutes do not inactivate the enzyme independent of the H2O2 concentration. After several hours, only 50% of the activity is found for a medium H2O2 excess, and a100-fold excess of H2O2 completely inactivates the enzyme. Polymeric additives, in particular Gafquat, lead to higher residual activities, whereas stabilizers, such as aminopyrine, preserve the full activity. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements reveal that the enzyme structure remains more or less unchanged when hydrogen peroxide is added. Only when a 1000-fold excess of hydrogen peroxide is present are structural changes observed. UV spectra highlight that the heme group in the enzyme is affected by hydrogen peroxide in a first step. Without any prolonged incubation, a decrease of the Soret band to approximately 50% is found for low hydrogen peroxide concentrations (HRP/H2O2 from 1:1 to 1:100). Higher H2O2 concentrations lead to the formation of catalytically inactive HRP forms. Preincubation of Gafquat, which is a copolymer from vinylpyrrolidone and derivatized methyl methacrylate, with hydrogen peroxide shifts the influence of hydrogen peroxide to higher concentrations, the shift being dependent on the Gafquat concentration. This effect is not observed for other polymers, such as dextrans, but it is also found for the stabilizer aminopyrine. Extended incubation times (24 h) of HRP together with H2O2, however, lead to an at least partial recovery of the Soret band for lower H2O2 concentrations (H2O2/HRP from 1:1 to 1:100). When hydrogen peroxide is used in a100 fold excess, the heme group is irreversibly destroyed, and even the characteristic band of cpd III is not found. Here, the presence of Gafquat only reduces the degree of destruction. Computer modeling of the interaction between the polymers and the enzyme shows no specific binding sites for the functional groups of the vinylpyrrolidone-methacrylate copolymer Gafquat or of DEAE-dextran on the enzyme, whereas for the only activating polymer, polyethylenimine clustering of binding sites is observed.
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