A Randomized Trial of the Digital Down Syndrome LanguagePlus (DSL+) Vocabulary Intervention Program

Autor: Kari-Anne B. Næss, Silje Hokstad, Liv Inger Engevik, Arne Lervåg, Elizabeth Smith
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Remedial and special education
ISSN: 1538-4756
Popis: This study investigated the effect of the digital Down Syndrome LanguagePlus (DSL+) intervention on vocabulary outcomes through a school-delivered randomized controlled trial. A national sample of first graders with Down syndrome from 91 schools was allocated to an intervention group ( n = 50), which received daily intervention for 15 weeks, or a business-as-usual control group ( n = 53). The intervention involved picture book sharing and structured tasks and was organized as one-to-one, small-group, and full-class lessons. Children in the intervention group made greater gains than children in the control group in expressive vocabulary breadth ( d = .429, CI [.160, .699]) and receptive vocabulary breadth ( d = .447, CI [.193, .700]). The outcomes indicate that the novel DSL+ intervention is an effective intervention to increase trained vocabulary among first graders with Down syndrome, and it takes only 15 minutes of effort 5 days a week.
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