Sarcoptes-World Molecular Network (Sarcoptes-WMN) : integrating research on scabies

Autor: Abyad, A, Almeida, A, Nisbet, A, Dzamic, Am, Regassa, A, Oleaga, A, Raza, A, Terashima, A, MOLINAR MIN, Annarita, Baca, As, Alicante, Aa, Upton, A, Basu, Ak, Cho, Bk, Haj, Bs, Charaf, Bs, Bernard, B, Lassen, B, Soulsbury, C, Gortazar, C, Raccurt, C, Carlo, C, Lacroix, C, Hinzoumbé, Ck, Burkhart, Cg, Cazorla, D, Zele, D, Vincent, D, Soglia, Dominga, Acatrinei, Dc, Gotuzzo, E, Omudu, E, Papadopoulos, E, Zbikowska, E, Swai, E, Serrano, E, Mwase, E, Molin, E, Bedel, Ej, Hountondji, F, Chaudhry, Fr, Al Braikan, F, Gakuya, F, Efremova, G, Molavi, G, Vengust, G, Yang, G, Arshad, H, Babiker, H, Jianlin, H, van der Heijden, H, Zoubir, H, Mohammed, Ha, Munang'Andu, Hm, Ninomiya, H, Owen, I, Soulama, I, Lusat, J, Wilson, J, Gasca, Jm, Enrique Granado, J, Fourie, Jj, Trejos Suárez, J, Rai, K, George, K, Selim Anwar, K, Hameed, K, Khallaanyoune, K, Mumcuoglu, Ky, Solarz, K, Pei, Kj, Mandicó, Lr, Mircea, L, Fourie, L, de Moura Ariza, L, Tongué, Lk, Miron, L, Towersey, L, Löwenstein, M, Rossi, Luca, Rosalino, Lm, Rambozzi, Luisa, Alexander, M, Saridomichelakis, M, Abu Madi, M, Lareschi, M, Asman, M, Heinonen, M, Ahmad, M, Baldi, M, Strong, M, Sarasa, M, François, Mj, Mbengue, M, Ali Alhag, M, Gebely, Ma, Hamid, Me, Gharbi, M, Halami, My, Hernández, N, Gondje, Nn, Morozova, Ov, Calderón Arguedas, O, Hamarsheh, O, Aldemir, Os, Banos, Pd, Sacchi, Paola, Morrondo, P, Cuber, P, Collins, R, Kumar, R, Laha, R, Soriguer, Rc, Sani, Ra, Pinckney, R, Orusa, R, Maude, R, Rasero, Roberto, Hay, R, Rosario Cruz, R, Schuster, Rk, Rahbari, S, Ba Angood SA, Amer, S, Al Nahhas, S, Alasaad, S, Boussaa, S, Uade, S, Maione, Sandra, Kumar, S, Lavín, S, Yadav, Sc, Fitzgerald, S, Galván, Sv, Bornstein, S, Walton, S, Naz, S, Tatyana, S, Raharimanana, S, Pasca, S, Sartore, Stefano, Rehbein, S, Harris, S, Joshi, Sk, Karim, Sa, Stetanovska, T, Douri, T, Geurden, T, Leslie, T, Yanai, T, Inceboz, T, Hengge, U, Sabaj, V, Spalenza, Veronica, Al Kandari, W, Rivera, Wl, Zhu, Xq, de Armas Rodríguez, Y, Coulibaly, Yi, Mya, Yy, Lopatina, Yv, Ismail, Zb, Zimmermann, W.
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Recercat: Dipósit de la Recerca de Catalunya
Varias* (Consorci de Biblioteques Universitáries de Catalunya, Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya)
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Recercat. Dipósit de la Recerca de Catalunya
Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Popis: Parasites threaten human and animal health globally. It is estimated that more than 60% of people on planet Earth carry at least one parasite, many of them several different species. Unfortunately, parasite studies suffer from duplications and inconsistencies between different investigator groups. Hence, groups need to collaborate in an integrated manner in areas including parasite control, improved therapy strategies, diagnostic and surveillance tools, and public awareness. Parasite studies will be better served if there is coordinated management of field data and samples across multidisciplinary approach plans, among academic and non-academic organizations worldwide. In this paper we report the first 'Living organism-World Molecular Network', with the cooperation of 167 parasitologists from 88 countries on all continents. This integrative approach, the 'Sarcoptes-World Molecular Network', seeks to harmonize Sarcoptes epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and molecular studies from all over the world, with the aim of decreasing mite infestations in humans and animals. © 2011 International Society for Infectious Diseases.
Databáze: OpenAIRE