Children with lymphatic malformations and their treatment using video-endoscopic equipment

Autor: I. N. Nurmeev, M. A. Zykova, L. M. Mirolyubov, A. A. Podshivalin
Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Rossijskij Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii, Vol 65, Iss 5, Pp 232-238 (2020)
ISSN: 2500-2228
Popis: The problem of treating patients with lymphangioma remains open to doctors of various surgical specialties due to the specific location, age of clinical manifestation and the lack of a single algorithm for the treatment of these patients. The objective is to develop an optimal minimally invasive method for treating children with lymphangiomas. This article presents the results of surgical treatment of 7 children with lymphangioma according to two methods developed in our clinic using video endoscopic equipment. The patients with various types of lymphangioma and topographic localizations require an individual approach in choosing the optimal treatment method, taking into account all possible risks of relapse. The developed treatment methods using video-endoscopic equipment are applicable for minimally invasive surgical treatment methods in children (including newborns) and can be used to treat lymphangiomas of both superficial localization and multichamber diffuse lymphangiomas. 7 children were treated with the proposed methods. A positive result was achieved both in the case of radical simultaneous removal of lymphangioma under video control, and in the case of treatment method supplemented by sclerotherapy. We consider the proposed treatment methods acceptable due to their positive clinical result and good cosmetic effect.
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