Does the false‐negative rate for 1 or 2 negative sentinel nodes after neo‐adjuvant chemotherapy translate into a high local recurrence rate?

Autor: Salvatore Nardello, Philip Albaneze, Mengying Deng, John M. Daly, Elin R. Sigurdson, Nicole E Sharp, Nicole M. Melchior, Darren B. Sachs, Allison A. Aggon, Richard J. Bleicher
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Breast J
ISSN: 1524-4741
DOI: 10.1111/tbj.14206
Popis: BACKGROUND: Prospective trials demonstrate that sentinel node (SN) biopsy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) has a significant false negative rate (FNR) when only 1 or 2 SNs are removed. It is unknown whether this increased FNR correlates with an elevated risk of recurrence. METHODS: Tumor Registry data at an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center were reviewed from 2004-2018 for patients having a negative SN biopsy after NACT. RESULTS: Among 190 patients with histologically negative nodes after NACT having 1 (n=42), 2 (n=46), and ≥3 (n=102) SNs, axillary recurrences occurred in 7.14%, 0% and 1.96% (p=0.09), breast recurrences occurred in 2.38%, 6.52% and 0.98% (p=0.12), and distance recurrences occurred in 16.67%, 8.70%, 7.84% (p=0.27), respectively. Time to first recurrence did not differ by SN count (p=0.41). After adjustment for age, race, clinical stage and receptor status, there were no differences in the rates of axillary (p=0.26), breast (p=0.44), or distance recurrence (p=0.24) by numbers of SNs harvested. Median follow up was 46.8 months. CONCLUSIONS: Despite higher post-NACT FNRs reported in randomized trials for patients having
Databáze: OpenAIRE
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