Optimizing utilization of kidneys from deceased donors over 60 years: Five-year outcomes after implementation of a combined clinical and histological allocation algorithm

Autor: Elisa Sefora, Pierobon, Pierobon Elisa, Sefora, Silvio, Sandrini, Sandrini, Silvio, Nicola, De Fazio, De Fazio, Nicola, Giuseppe, Rossini, Rossini, Giuseppe, Iris, Fontana, Fontana, Iris, Luigino, Boschiero, Boschiero, Luigino, Maria, Gropuzzo, Gropuzzo, Maria, Eliana, Gotti, Gotti, Eliana, Donato, Donati, Donati, Donato, Enrico, Minetti, Minetti, Enrico, Maria Teresa, Gandolfo, Gandolfo Maria, Teresa, Anna, Brunello, Brunello, Anna, Carmelo, Libetta, Libetta, Carmelo, Antonio, Secchi, Secchi, Antonio, Stefano, Chiaramonte, Chiaramonte, Stefano, Paolo, Rigotti, Rigotti, Paolo
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Popis: This 5 year observational multicentre study conducted in the Nord Italian Transplant programme area evaluated outcomes in patients receiving kidneys from donors over 60 years allocated according to a combined clinical and histological algorithm. Low-risk donors 60-69 years without risk factors were allocated to single kidney transplant (LR-SKT) based on clinical criteria. Biopsy was performed in donors over 70 years or 60-69 years with risk factors, allocated to Single (HR-SKT) or Dual kidney transplant (HR-DKT) according to the severity of histological damage. Forty HR-DKTs, 41 HR-SKTs and 234 LR-SKTs were evaluated. Baseline differences generally reflected stratification and allocation criteria. Patient and graft (death censored) survival were 90% and 92% for HR-DKT, 85% and 89% for HR-SKT, 88% and 87% for LR-SKT. The algorithm appeared user-friendly in daily practice and was safe and efficient, as demonstrated by satisfactory outcomes in all groups at 5 years. Clinical criteria performed well in low-risk donors. The excellent outcomes observed in DKTs call for fine-tuning of cut-off scores for allocation to DKT or SKT in high-risk patients.
Databáze: OpenAIRE