Games and Entertainment in Ambient Intelligence Environments

Autor: Nijholt, Antinus, Reidsma, Dennis, Poppe, Ronald Walter, Aghajan, H., López-Cózar Delgado, R., Augusto, J.C.
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Human-Centric Interfaces for Ambient Intelligence, 393-413
STARTPAGE=393;ENDPAGE=413;TITLE=Human-Centric Interfaces for Ambient Intelligence
Popis: In future ambient intelligence (AmI) environments we assume intelligence embedded in the environment and its objects (floors, furniture, mobile robots). These environments support their human inhabitants in their activities and interactions by perceiving them through sensors (proximity sensors, cameras, microphones). Health, recreation, sports, and games are among the needs of inhabitants. The environments can detect and interpret human activity, and can give multimedia feedback to invite, stimulate, guide, advise, and engage. The purpose of the activity can be improving physical and mental health (wellbeing) as it improving capabilities related to a profession, recreation, or sports. Fun, just fun, to be achieved from interaction can be another aim of such environments and is the focus of this chapter. We present several examples that span the concept of entertainment in ambient intelligence environments, both within and beyond the (smart) home. In our survey, we identify some main dimensions of ambient entertainment. Next we turn to the design of entertainment applications. We explain in depth which factors are important to consider when designing for entertainment rather than for work.
Databáze: OpenAIRE