Emotion Expression when Teaching with Creative Movement
Autor: | Simona Prosen, Gregor Geršak, Helena Smrtnik Vitulić, Vesna Geršak |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Předmět: |
Movement (music)
Teaching method media_common.quotation_subject Significant difference emocije geometrija kreativni pokret potrošnja energije znanje Anger Education Developmental psychology Expression (architecture) Facial expression recognition Anger expression Psychology creative movement emotion expression intensity of emotions students teaching method media_common |
Zdroj: | Croatian Journal of Education : Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje Volume 22 Issue Sp.Ed.1 |
ISSN: | 1848-5197 1848-5189 |
Popis: | The study focuses on students’ emotion expression during geometry teaching including creative movement (experimental group or EG) and without it (control group or CG). The sample (N = 104) was made up of primary school (second-grade) students: 66 were assigned to the EG and 38 to the CG. Of these, 12 students from the EG and 8 from the CG were randomly selected for observation of emotion: type, intensity, triggering situation, and response of others. For the observed students, the intensity of emotion expression was also measured by the facial expression recognition software FaceReader. All of the students self-assessed their contentedness with the teaching. The students in the EG and the CG expressed various emotions, with joy being the most prevalent, followed by anger. The most frequent situations triggering joy were activities in the EG and the CG. The intensity of joy was higher in the EG than in the CG when assessed by observation, but there was no significant difference when assessed by FaceReader. The intensity of anger expression was at a similar level in both groups. Both students and teachers responded to students’ joy expression, but only the students responded to anger expression in the EG and the CG. The students in both groups expressed a high level of contentedness with the teaching. Kreativni pokret predstavlja aktivan pristup učenju koji studentima omogućuje da kroz pokret i ples izraze i kreiraju različite obrazovne sadržaje. Predstavlja mogućnost integriranja umjetnosti i pokreta u proces učenja. U studijskoj godini 2015./16. provedeno je istraživanje, uključujući i učenike drugog razreda osnovne škole (N = 104) tijekom nastave Matematike (geometrije). Studijom se pokušalo utvrditi utvrditi kako je korištenje kreativnoga pokreta povezano s funkcioniranjem učenika u različitim područjima: kognitivnom, socijalnom, emocionalnom, tijelu/fizičkom. Te su veze uspostavljene usporedbom skupine učenika u kojoj je provedena nastava, integrirajući kreativni pokret (eksperimentalnu skupinu) s grupom učenika u kojoj nastava nije uključivala kreativni pokret (kontrolna skupina). Podaci su prikupljeni različitim mjernim instrumentima, dok je tjelesna aktivnost mjerena narukvicama BodyMedia Core. Rezultati, između ostalog, pokazuju visoko zadovoljstvo nastavnim programom kod obje skupine učenika, ali veća potrošnja energije i dugoročno poznavanje geometrije u eksperimentalnoj grupi učenika poučavanih korištenjem kreativnoga pokreta. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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