Atopic dermatitis and HTLV-1-associated myelopathy: associated or coincidental disorders?

Autor: P. Roizman, R. Narinski, E. Okon, E.P. Cowan, D. Ben Amitai, B. Shohat, Mordechai Shohat, R. Alexander, Michael David, R. Mosberg, Tirza Klein
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Dermatology (Basel, Switzerland). 199(4)
ISSN: 1018-8665
Popis: Reports from Jamaica have indicated that some patients with infective dermatitis or atopic dermatitis (AD) are seropositive for antibodies to human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1). We describe a 32-year-old Israeli woman with long-term AD and paresthesia in the distal parts of the extremities. Neurological examination revealed a positive Babinski’s sign. HLA typing demonstrated that this patient has the common HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) and infective dermatitis haplotype for DRB1* DQB1*. The presence of HTLV-1 was demonstrated with polymerase chain reaction; HTLV-1-antibodies were detected by the Western blot method and by inoculation of the patient’s peripheral blood mononuclear cells into F344 rats. This study confirms the presence of HTLV-1 antibodies and proviral genome in a patient with AD which later evolved into HAM/TSP. We cannot yet conclude whether these two diseases are associated or coincidental disorders.
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