Neozavrelia paramushirica Orel 2021, sp. nov

Autor: Orel, Oksana V.
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4582317
Popis: Neozavrelia paramushirica sp. nov. (Figs 88–91, 93–99) AF2BDD58-A744-4C01-806A-5D36F6098204 Type material. Holotype: male, RUSSIA, SAKHALIN REGION, Kuril Islands, Paramushir Island, Big River, 3.viii.1996, leg. P. Oberg. Paratypes: 24 males, same data, 3.viii.1996, leg. P. Oberg. Derivatio nominis. From the type locality Paramushir Island. Diagnosis. Darkly coloured species, with wing 1.72–1.80 mm long and AR 0.56–0.61; ultimate flagellomere 288–312 μm, swollen apically. Length of 2–4 flagellomeres of maxillary palpomeres 416–464 μm; 2 nd palpomere parallel-sided. R with 14–18, R 1 with 2–4, R 4+5 with 3–7, M 1+2 with 20–32, M 3+4 with 1–6, Cu 1 and An without setae. LR PI 1.41–1.52. Basitarsus of mid leg without sensilla chaetica. Mid tibia with2 spurs. Anterior margin of tergite IX triangular with well developed lateral lobes. Anal point is broad. Superior volsella elongated-oval, expanded medially, bearing 2–3 strong apical and 5–7 fine dorsal setae, microtrichia present or absent. Stem straight and parallelsided, 34–41 μm long. Description. Adult male (n=3). Total length 2.0 mm; wing length 1.72–1.80 mm. Total length/wing length 1.11–1.16. Colouration. Ground colour of thorax, scutellum, maxillary palpomeres and abdomen yellowish brown; halters yellowish; antenna, scutal stripes, median band on distal half of mesonotum and postnotum, legs brown. Head (Figs. 88, 93–84). Frontal tubercles absent or reduced in the form of small spots 3 μm in diameter, situated on swellings of frontal lobes. Temporal setae 8–12. Clypeus with 13–17 setae. Antenna with 10 flagellomeres, 792–832 μm long; ultimate flagellomere 288–312 μm, swollen apically. AR 0.56–0.61. Maxillary palpomeres 2–4 combined 416–464 μm long, their individual lengths (in μm): 40–56: 92–104: 108–120: 160–184. Antenna length/ palp length 1.79–1.96. Thorax. Acrostichals 13–16, dorsocentrals 5–10, prealars 1–2. Scutellum with 6–12 setae. Wing width 0.55–0.61 mm (Fig. 95). VR 1.29–1.34. R with 14–18, R 1 with 2–4, R 4+5 with 3–7, M 1+2 with 20–32, M 3+4 with 1–6 setae, Cu 1 and An without setae. Cell r 2+3, r 4+5, m 1+2, m 3+4 with setae. Brachiolum with 1–2 setae. Legs (see Table 13). Apical curved tibial spur of fore leg 37–41 μm long. Combs of mid and hind tibiae separated; each comb bears straight or slightly curved spur, 27–34 μm (mid tibia) to 34–44 μm long (hind tibia). Basitarsus of mid leg without sensilla chaetica. Hypopygium (Figs 89–91, 96–99). Anal tergite with V-shaped bands and posterolateral lobes 14–24 μm long in dorsal view; anterior margin triangular-shaped. The anal point broad, rounded apically, dorsally cover with several small spinulae and bearing 10–12 lateral setae on each side of anal point, 34–44 μm long and 27 μm wide on dorsal view; 37 μm long on lateral view. Gonocoxite 126–150 μm long, along the inner margin with 4–5 setae. The width of the transverse sternapodema 51–71 µm. Superior volsella long (44–54 μm) and narrow (17 μm wide), bearing 2–3 strong apical and 5–7 fine dorsal setae, microtrichia present or invisible. Digitus 34 μm long and 10 μm wide. Stem of median volsella straight and parallel-sided, 34–41 μm long, bearing slender lamelliform setae; total length of median volsella 65 μm. Inferior volsella curved and rounded apically, 102–122 μm long, with 10–16 setae. Gonostylus straight, 95–102 μm long and expanded at about median (34–44 μm). HR 1.23–1.57. Pupa and larva unknown. Remarks. The males of the new species are most similar to N. mongolensis Reiss, 1971 (Northern Mongolia), but differs from the latter following features: the length of 3 and 4 segments of the maxillary palp—92–104 μm: 108–120 μm, respectively; AR 0.56–0.61; the superior volsella is elongated-oval, expanded medially. Whereas males of N. mongolensis Reiss are 3 and 4 segments of the maxillary palp 105: 90 μm, respectively; AR 0.94; the superior volsella oval-shaped, expanded in the basal part (Fig. 92). The males of N. paramushirica sp. nov. are also similar to the Japanese species N. gotodeeus Sasa, Suzuki 2000, but differs from the latter in a lower value AR (0.56–0.61), fewer setae on the wings (see Fig. 95), and the shape of the superior volsella (elongated-oval, expanded medially). Whereas in males of N. gotodeeus Sasa, Suzuki have AR 0.63–0.74, wings are more densely covered with setae (see http://www. =m_diptera&lPkey=275642&detaillnkIdx=0), according to Sasa, Suzuki (2000): «Dorsal appendage composed of a broad, rounded base». Distribution. Russian Far East (Kuril Islands).
Published as part of Orel, Oksana V., 2021, Revision of the genus Neozavrelia Goetghebuer, Thienemann, 1941 (Diptera Chironomidae) from Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East, with the description of new species, pp. 251-297 in Zootaxa 4938 (3) on pages 281-282, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4938.3.1,
{"references":["Reiss, F. (1971) Ein Beitrag zur ostpalaearktischen Chironomidenfauna (Diptera) am Beispiel einiger Tanytarsini-Arten aus der Mongolei und Ostsibirien. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 92, 198 - 212.","Sasa, M. & Suzuki, H. (2000) Studies on the chironomid midges collected on Yakushima Island, Southwestern Japan. Tropical Medicine, 42, 53 - 134."]}
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