Heat Treatment Of 2024 And 5083 Aluminum Materials By Induction, A Competitive Method, And Cost Analysis

Autor: Gürkan Soy, Uğur Çavdar, Hayrettin Gökozan, Mehmet Taştan, Pınar Sari Çavdar
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: In the study, 2024 Al and 5083 Al bulk samples were heated using two different methods, induction and conventional heat treatment. Using these methods, the processing cost and time analysis for both materials were performed. 5083 Al material cannot be heat-treated. However, to evaluate differences in the production cost of induction by changing the components of aluminum, the same procedures were applied to 5083 Al material. In both aluminum series, square, cylindrical, and hexagonal shapes were processed, and the effect of sample shape variations on cost was evaluated. The heat treatment was performed in a conventional kiln of 2 kW. Al materials were heat-treated for 5 h at 540 degrees C, and water was suddenly supplied. Then they were left in the kiln at 190 degrees C for 10 h for artificial aging. Al samples were heat-treated in the same way at 590 degrees C for 1 minute in the 900 kHz ultra-high frequency induction heating system (UHFIHS), which was fed with instant water. The samples were then artificially aged at four different heating durations varying between 2 and 8 minutes using the induction system. As a result of examining the production time and cost of both methods, it was found that the heat treatment of 2024 Al samples by induction was much more advantageous. Furthermore, when Al samples were heated by induction, shape differences and main alloy elements significantly affected power consumption values.
Databáze: OpenAIRE