Mutagenic study of codons 74 and 215 of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase, which are significant in nucleoside analog resistance

Trp mutant was partially resistant (threefold less susceptible). A combination of the Thr-215-->Trp with the other AZT resistance mutations Lys-70-->Arg and Met-41-->Leu gave additive resistance. The Thr-215-->Phe virus was less AZT resistant than the Thr-215-->Tyr mutant, both on its own and when each was combined with the Met-41-->Leu mutant. These observations confirm the general hypothesis that increased bulk of the amino acid side chains at this position confers decreased AZT sensitivity. A leucine-to-valine substitution at codon 74 has previously been found to confer dideoxynucleoside resistance. We constructed mutants with five novel amino acid substitutions (Ala, Gly, Glu, Met, and Asp) at codon 74. Of these, only one (that with the Met substitution) retained enough RT activity to yield viable virus. It thus appears that there are severe structure-function constraints on the amino acid side chains at this position in the enzyme. The activities of the Leu-74-->Ala and Leu-74-->Met RT enzymes expressed in Escherichia coli appeared to have reduced susceptibility to ddGTP compared with the wild-type enzyme. The mutants described in this work may prove useful for correlation with structural studies of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 RT. -->
ISSN: 1098-5514
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Přírůstkové číslo: edsair.doi.dedup.....41515083952918e97fbc6c4ab6c05e41
Autor: B A Larder, Simon F. Lacey
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Journal of Virology. 68:3421-3424
ISSN: 1098-5514
Popis: Mutation in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase (RT) at codon 215 has been shown to play a significant role in resistance to zidovudine (AZT). Substitution of threonine with tyrosine or phenylalanine alone confers decreased susceptibility to the inhibitor. In this study we constructed a panel of 10 viruses with different amino acids at this codon, including 7 novel mutants, and assessed their susceptibilities to AZT. The majority of the new mutants were AZT sensitive, whereas the Thr-215-->Trp mutant was partially resistant (threefold less susceptible). A combination of the Thr-215-->Trp with the other AZT resistance mutations Lys-70-->Arg and Met-41-->Leu gave additive resistance. The Thr-215-->Phe virus was less AZT resistant than the Thr-215-->Tyr mutant, both on its own and when each was combined with the Met-41-->Leu mutant. These observations confirm the general hypothesis that increased bulk of the amino acid side chains at this position confers decreased AZT sensitivity. A leucine-to-valine substitution at codon 74 has previously been found to confer dideoxynucleoside resistance. We constructed mutants with five novel amino acid substitutions (Ala, Gly, Glu, Met, and Asp) at codon 74. Of these, only one (that with the Met substitution) retained enough RT activity to yield viable virus. It thus appears that there are severe structure-function constraints on the amino acid side chains at this position in the enzyme. The activities of the Leu-74-->Ala and Leu-74-->Met RT enzymes expressed in Escherichia coli appeared to have reduced susceptibility to ddGTP compared with the wild-type enzyme. The mutants described in this work may prove useful for correlation with structural studies of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 RT.
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