Influence of the adoption of phosphogips and seros-containing fertilizers on the microbial population of south chernozem

Autor: Vera Y. Lysenko, Valeriy Tskhovrebov, Alexander Umarov, Vera I. Faizova
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: BIO Web of Conferences, Vol 17, p 00229 (2020)
ISSN: 2117-4458
Popis: The following field experiences were performed on the Chernozem southern carbonate: 1.Control, 2. Sulphoammophos – 150 kg/ha, 3. Sulphoammophos – 250 kg/ha, 4.Phosphogypsum – 3 t/ha, 5.Phosphogypsum – 6 t/ha, 6.Phosphogypsum – 12 t/ha, 7. Phosphogypsum – 3 t/ha ammophos –70 kg/ha ammonium nitrate, 100 kg/ha 8. Phosphogypsum – 6 t/ha ammophos -70 kg/ha ammonium nitrate, 100 kg/ha 9. Phosphogypsum – 12 t/ha ammophos–70 kg/ha ammonium nitrate, 100 kg/ha. 10. ammophos-70 kg/ha + ammonium nitrate 100 kg/ha. The determination of the number of microorganisms produced in the phase of milky-wax ripeness of winter wheat on the selective nutrient medium: meat-peptone agar – number of ammonifiers; on starch and ammonia agar – microorganisms that assimilate mineral forms of nitrogen on the Hutchinson medium – calculatorsreal the number of microorganisms on the Czapek-Dox medium – the number of micromycetes on the Ashby medium – the number of aerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria of the genus Azotobacter. Introduction phosphogypsum, sulphoammophos, ammophos and ammonium nitrate contributes to the increase in the numbers of various physiological groups of microorganisms. The highest values of the studied indicators in comparison with the control was achieved through the joint application of phosphogypsum – 12 t/ha ammophos-70kg/ha and ammonium nitrate-100kg/ha: ammonifiers on 123.4 million CFU/g (or 2.5 times); nitrifiers at 138 million CFU/g (3.3 times), microscopic fungi on 90,0 thousand CFU/g (1.7 times); cellulose-fermenting microorganisms on 250.6 thousand CFU/g (more than 2 times); aerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria of the genus Azotobacter by 30.7 thousand CFU/g (1.5 times). Thus, the most responsive to the introduction of phosphogypsum and fertilizers microorganisms that convert mineral and organic nitrogen compounds.
Databáze: OpenAIRE