Studying the complex of biologically active substances in spicy vegetables and designing the nanotechnologies for cryosupplements and nanoproducts with health benefits

Autor: Viktoriya Pogarskaya, Ludmila Radchenko, Vadym Pavliuk, Ekaterina Dudnyk, Anna Radchenko, Raisa Pavlyuk, Oleksander Cherevko, Tatyana Kolomiets
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
020209 energy
hidden forms of BAS
0211 other engineering and technologies
Energy Engineering and Power Technology
02 engineering and technology
Health benefits
Raw material
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
BAS complex
Management of Technology and Innovation
021105 building & construction
lcsh:Technology (General)
0202 electrical engineering
electronic engineering
information engineering

Food science
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Applied Mathematics
Mechanical Engineering
health supplements
Computer Science Applications
spicy vegetables
Control and Systems Engineering
cryogenic treatment
Biologically active substances
Zdroj: Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, Vol 4, Iss 11 (94), Pp 6-14 (2018)
ISSN: 1729-4061
Popis: We determined the complex of BAS of spicy vegetables (roots of ginger, celery, horseradish, and garlic), which differ from other vegetable raw materials by a high content of unsaturated reactive phyto-substances. It includes volatile aromatic substances, low-molecular and high molecular phenolic compounds. The latter are natural antioxidants, preservatives and have a bactericidal and an immunomodulating effect. We found that spicy vegetables have a high content of prebiotic substances (cellulose, pectin, and protein); they are low in sugar. The presence of the specified BAS in 100 g of spicy vegetables in the amounts that can satisfy a daily need of the human body, as argued by authors, provides fresh vegetables with direct therapeutic and prophylactic properties. We developed the nanotechnologies for healthy frozen supplements and nanoproducts produced from spicy vegetables, which fully preserve vitamins, aromatic substances, phenolic compounds and other BAS of fresh raw materials. In addition, we found the hidden (bound) forms of BAS in the course of development of nanotechnologies and extracted them into a freely assimilable state. The mass fraction of these substances is 2.5...3.2 times higher than that in fresh vegetables, which we can control by standard chemical methods. We propose to use the cryogenic treatment of raw materials, which includes a cryogenic "shock" freezing and a finely dispersed low temperature grinding (mechanolysis), as the innovation in the development of technologies. The advantages imply that it became possible to obtain frozen spicy vegetables, which, in terms of the content of natural aromatic substances and phytocomponents (phenolic compounds, polyphenols and other BAS), exceed fresh spicy vegetables by 2...2.5 times. We worked out the technological modes at the semi-industrial bench equipment. We developed technologies for health-improving supplements in the form of finely dispersed purees and frozen spicy vegetables. That makes it possible to develop a wide range of health products that outperform known analogues in quality using the obtained frozen products and supplements of spicy vegetables.
Databáze: OpenAIRE