Macrocondyla Rondani 1863

Autor: O'Hara, James E., Cerretti, Pierfilippo, Pape, Thomas, Evenhuis, Neal L.
Rok vydání: 2011
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5247102
Popis: 302. Macrocondyla Rondani, 1863: 54 [1864a: 54]. ORIGINALLY INCLUDED SPECIES: Macrocondyla pictinervis Rondani, 1863. TYPE SPECIES: Macrocondyla pictinervis Rondani, 1863, by original designation. CURRENT STATUS: Valid genus [teste Evenhuis & Greathead (1999: 264)]. FAMILY: BOMBYLIIDAE.
Published as part of O'Hara, James E., Cerretti, Pierfilippo, Pape, Thomas & Evenhuis, Neal L., 2011, 3141, pp. 1-268 in Zootaxa 3141 on page 110
{"references":["Rondani, C. (1863) Diptera exotica revisa et annotata novis nonnullis descriptis. Eredi Soliani, Modena. 99 pp., 1 pl. [31 December +] [The title page has \" nonnullis \" but page 1 has \" nonullis \". This is the separate that came out before the journal version with a different title, here as Rondani (1864 a).]","Rondani, C. (1864 a) Dipterorum species et genera aliqua exotica revisa et annotata novis nonullis descriptis. Archivio per la Zoologia, l'Anatomia e la Fisiologia, Modena, 3 (1), 1 - 99, 1 pl. [May] [This is the journal version that came out after the separate with a different title, here as Rondani (1863).]","Evenhuis, N. L. & Greathead, D. J. (1999) World catalog of bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. 756 pp. [10 November] [Date of mailing from publisher.]"]}
Databáze: OpenAIRE