The Efficacy and Safety of DepoFoam Bupivacaine in Patients Undergoing Bilateral, Cosmetic, Submuscular Augmentation Mammaplasty: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Active-Control Study

Autor: Hayes T. Williams, John D. Smoot, Sergio D. Bergese, Erol Onel, William Hedden
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 32:69-76
ISSN: 1527-330X
DOI: 10.1177/1090820x11430831
Popis: Background: Breast augmentation can result in significant postsurgical pain. Objectives: The authors evaluate the extent and duration of analgesia achieved with extended-release DepoFoam bupivacaine (Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Parsippany, New Jersey) in patients undergoing bilateral, cosmetic, submuscular augmentation mammaplasty under general anesthesia. Methods: In this randomized, multicenter, double-blind study, patients received a single dose of DepoFoam bupivacaine 600 mg or bupivacaine HCl 200 mg divided into the implant pockets at the conclusion of surgery. The primary efficacy measure was cumulative pain score with activity through 72 hours postoperatively. Secondary efficacy measures included pain intensity with activity and at rest, postsurgical consumption of rescue opioids, and integrated rank analysis combining pain scores at rest with the amount of opioid used. Results: One hundred thirty-six patients were randomized and treated (DepoFoam bupivacaine, n = 66; bupivacaine HCl, n = 70). Reflecting the underpowered nature of the study, the mean cumulative pain score (numeric rating scale with activity through 72 hours) was 441.5 with DepoFoam bupivacaine versus 468.2 with bupivacaine HCl ( P = .3999). Total amounts of opioid consumed were significantly lower in the DepoFoam bupivacaine group through 24 hours ( P = .0211) and through 48 hours ( P = .0459). The prespecified integrated rank analysis showed statistically-significant differences at multiple time points up to and including 60 hours; results on most other efficacy measures trended in favor of DepoFoam bupivacaine. No serious adverse events were reported, and no patients discontinued the study due to adverse events. Conclusions: DepoFoam bupivacaine trended toward benefit versus bupivacaine HCl on most efficacy measures. Due to early termination, the study was underpowered to achieve statistical significance. Level of Evidence: 2 ![Graphic][1] [1]: /embed/inline-graphic-1.gif
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