Entangled collective-spin states of atomic ensembles under nonuniform atom-light interaction

Autor: Vladan Vuletic, Hao Zhang, Zachary Vendeiro, Jiazhong Hu, Wenlan Chen
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Physical Review A. 92
ISSN: 1094-1622
Popis: We consider the optical generation and verification of entanglement in atomic ensembles under non-uniform interaction between the ensemble and an optical mode. We show that for a wide range of parameters a system of non-uniformly coupled atomic spins can be described as an ensemble of uniformly coupled spins with a reduced effective atom-light coupling and a reduced effective atom number, with a reduction factor of order unity given by the ensemble-mode geometry. This description is valid even for complex entangled states with arbitrary phase-space distribution functions as long as the detection does not resolve single spins. Furthermore, we derive an analytic formula for the observable entanglement in the case, of relevance in practice, where the ensemble-mode coupling differs between state generation and measurement.
Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE