Nove konzervatorske spoznaje o oslikanoj franjevačkoj ljekarni u Varaždinu

Autor: Vladanka Milošević, Bernarda Ratančić, Petra Uglešić, Ivana Peškan
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Radovi Zavoda za znanstveni rad Varaždin
Issue 30
ISSN: 0352-9509
DOI: 10.21857/mzvkptzoz9
Popis: Zgrada varaždinskog franjevačkog nemoćišta podignuta je 1667. godine uz zapadno samostansko krilo, a u njezinu sastavu djelovala je ljekarna koja je opsluživala potrebe franjevaca, ali i čitavoga grada. Sredinom 18. stoljeća nemoćište i ljekarna su doživjeli veliku obnovu pri čemu je svod najveće prostorije prizemlja oslikao znameniti pavlinski slikar Ivan Krstitelj Ranger. Uslijed neadekvatnog korištenja prostora i pojave kapilarne vlage, oslik je u dvadesetom stoljeću bio dosta oštećen. Raniji pokušaji sanacije vlage iz raznih su razloga prekinuti, zbog čega problemi vlage i kristalizacije soli nisu riješeni što je uzrokovalo ubrzano propadanje slikanoga sloja. Kritično stanje oslika potaknulo je uključivanje Hrvatskog restauratorskog zavoda 2013. godine, kada su provedena prva konzervatorsko-restauratorska istraživanja. U prostoriji bivše ljekarne utvrđena je vrlo nepovoljna mikroklimatska situacija, a kao glavni izvori problema utvrđeni su mokri riječni agregat betonskog poda, zazidano i nesanirano staro ložište otkriveno u hodniku prizemlja te cementna površinska žbuka i akvatril premaz, naneseni tijekom ranijih zahvata. Provedeni su radovi uklanjanja svih izvora štetnih utjecaja, što je uključivalo: uklanjanje betonskog poda u ljekarni i izvedba novoga, otvaranje i čišćenje ložišta i vertikale dimnjaka i obijanje cementne žbuke i akvatrila sa zidova podruma i prizemlja. To je omogućilo uvid u zidane strukture zgrade i utvrđivanje triju građevinskih ili oblikovnih faza. Iako su provedena istraživanja i pripremni radovi za sada parcijalni, učinjen je velik pomak prema stvaranju povoljnih uvjeta za restauratorske radove na svodnoj slici i u konačnici njezina prezentacija.
The Varaždin Franciscan infirmary was built in 1667, adjacent to the western wing of the Franciscan Monastery. It included a pharmacy which was used, not only by the monks, but also by the people of the entire town. The infirmary and the pharmacy were thoroughly restored in the mid-18th century, when the renowned Pauline painter, John the Baptist Ranger, painted the vault of the biggest ground-floor room. Unfortunately, due to inadequate space usage and capillary rising damp, the frescoes were quite damaged in the 20th century. For various reasons, all preceding attempts of sanation had been terminated, leaving the issues of damp and salt cristallization unresolved, which led to rapid deterioration of the painted layer. In 2013, Croatian Conservation Institute was included in the issue, because of the severe state of the frescoes. That was when initial conservation and restoration research was conducted. It was found that the microclimatic conditions in the former pharmacy were extremely poor, mainly due to several factors: wet aggregate of concrete floors, a walled-in furnace, which was found damaged in the hallway of the ground floor, and the surface cement plaster and waterproof coat Aquathrill, which had been applied in previous interventions. The work conducted by the Conservation Institute included the removal of all sources of damage: the concrete floor in the pharmacy was replaced with a new one, the furnace and chimney flue were opened and cleaned, and the cement plaster and Aquathrill were removed from the walls in the basement and ground floor. This enabled clear insight into the wall structures of the building and defining three phases of construction. Even though the conducted research and preliminary work are still partial, a big step has been made towards creating beneficial conditions for restoration work on the vault painting, and, ultimately, its presentation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE