Shelf life and sensory properties of processed cardoon hearts

Autor: Maria Grazia Melilli, S. Scandurra, M. C. Di Bella, Ferdinando Branca, Antonella Pagliaro, S. Argento
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Acta horticulturae 1284 (2020): 200–204. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1284.27
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:M.G. Melilli, S. Argento, S. Scandurra, A. Pagliaro, M.C. Di Bella, F. Branca/titolo:Shelf life and sensory properties of processed cardoon hearts/doi:10.17660%2FActaHortic.2020.1284.27/rivista:Acta horticulturae/anno:2020/pagina_da:200/pagina_a:204/intervallo_pagine:200–204/volume:1284
Popis: Cynara cardunculus L. var. sylvestris populations widespread in Sicily shows high nutraceutical and health properties and can represent a new product in agri-food markets to suggest for diversifying productive chains. However, their exploitation requires adequate protocols for the evaluation of the shelf life of the produce. Previous studies permitted to individuate the best wild population suitable for this purpose and by it we have progressed evaluating the sensory properties that appeal to consumers of cooked globe artichoke hearts. Heads of the wild population of C. cardunculus var. sylvestris were collected at Polverello (ME, Italy) before flowering stage. After washing them whit tap water, the harvested capitula were subjected to a dipping at 0°C into a water solution of sodium hypochlorite 0.5% (v/v) for 30 min. A heating treatment until 8 min was performed, using distilled water in a ratio of 1 g heads:10 mL water. The capitula were packed after heating treatment in tinplate cans of 500 g containing a water solution of citric acid at 2% (w:w) and stored at 4±1°C. Each contained 3 capitula. At intervals of 4 days, for one month, 9 tinplates (experimental unit 3 tinplates) were analysed for colour of the external bracts (Minolta CR-400) and firmness (kg cm-2). The same number of crude capitula was stored in the same condition as control (CTRL). The cooked capitula presented good sensorial characteristics, in terms of colour and firmness until 16 days of storage. Microbiological analyses should be performed for the safety of the products.
Databáze: OpenAIRE