Advances in hydrotropic solutions: An updated review

Autor: Piyush Mehta, Vividha Dhapte
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal: Physics and Mathematics. 1(4):424-435
ISSN: 2405-7223
DOI: 10.1016/j.spjpm.2015.12.006
Popis: Approximately a century ago, in 1916, the term ‘hydrotropy’ was coined by the scientist Carl A. Neuberg to address anionic organic salts which considerably augmented the aqueous solubility of poorly soluble solutes. Currently hydrotropic solutions possess high industrial demand due to their unique features such as easy availability, good recovery, absence of fire hazards, higher separation factors without any solutes emulsification problem and eco-friendly nature. The present review takes the readers through a concise overview, geometrical features of hydrotropic agents, hypothetical mechanisms and their different advances toward drug delivery. Moreover, this review would provide an insight of the future perspectives concerned with the drug delivery and hydrotropism.
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