FTIR study of ZnO powder prepared by self-combustion method at different temperature

Autor: P. B. Buchade, A. D. Shaligram, Vaishali T. Salunke, R. Y. Borse
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews. 10:277-280
ISSN: 2581-9615
DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.10.3.0237
Popis: Nowadays nanomaterial is used widely because of their change in characteristics from bulk to nano. In this paper the preparation of ZnO nano powder by self-combustion high temperature method was discussed. The solution of Zinc Nitrate as a precursor and dextrose as a fuel was kept in furnace at 400,500 and 6000C for 5-15 minute to complete the reaction. The ZnO thick films were prepared by screen printing and fired at 6500C. The effect of different synthesis temperature on ZnO thick films were study by FTIR analysis. The applications of zinc oxide powders were discussed in these papers. 
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