Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) in bioindication of water pollution in the basin of the Sea of Azov

Autor: Natalia V. Lebedeva, N. V. Panasjuk
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Doklady Biological Sciences. 436:45-49
ISSN: 1608-3105
Popis: The basin of the Sea of Azov is exposed to a considerable anthropogenic stress. Correspondingly, characteristic of this basin is inflow of various pollutants,where heavy metals are of special importance [1, 2].Metals, whose compounds are able to retain their biological activity in water for an infinitely long time,accumulate in benthic organisms [3], includingbivalve mollusks, traditional objects of bioindication[4]. Mollusks as filterfeeders are able to concentrateheavy metals in their tissues [3]. A decrease in the density of their local populations can indicate pollution ofa water body, whereas subsequent restoration of theirpopulation size suggests normalization of environmental conditions [5, 6]. When observations of mollusk population are absent, of simple biomarkers areused for assessing the state of populations.The goal of this work was to study the effect of thewater pollution with heavy metals (Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn,and Pb) in the Sea of Azov basin (Taganrog Bay andthe Don River) on the local population of a bivalvemollusk
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