Higher-order topology in plasmonic kagome lattices

Autor: Aitzol García-Etxarri, María Blanco de Paz, Dario Bercioux, Paloma A. Huidobro, Matthew Proctor
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: We study the topological properties of a kagome plasmonic metasurface, modelled with a coupled dipole method which naturally includes retarded long range interactions. We demonstrate the system supports an obstructed atomic limit phase through the calculation of Wilson loops. Then we characterise the hierarchy of topological boundary modes hosted by the subwavelength array of plasmonic nanoparticles: both one-dimensional edge modes as well as zero-dimensional corner modes. We determine the properties of these modes which robustly confine light at subwavelength scales, calculate the local density of photonic states at edge and corner modes frequencies, and demonstrate the selective excitation of delocalised corner modes in a topological cavity, through non-zero orbital angular momentum beam excitation.
main: 7 pages, 5 figures. supp: 9 pages, 7 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE