Uticaj graduisanih kompresivnih čarapa i venotonika (diosmina) na tok oboljenja vena kod studenata stomatologije

Autor: B Zvezdan Stefanovic, M Violeta Marinkovic, S Branislav Donfrid, D Zoran Zoric
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Tehnika, Vol 72, Iss 2, Pp 297-302 (2017)
ISSN: 2560-3086
Popis: Diseases of veins are considered one of the most common diseases of modern man, right after caries of teeth. Those diseases usually come to exist as a result of genetic and/or other pre-dispositioning factors, however, in most cases, those factors can be effectively tamed through preventive and therapeutic methods. Two studies were carried out on randomly selected third and fourth year stomatology college students. In the first study, we solely focused on the effects of monotherapy compression stockings. The second study was a continuation of the first and the respondents were asked to take venotonic Diosmin (Detralex 1000 mg) in addition to wearing compression stockings. In the group of 30 patients, 49% had positive family history of the disease, and in total, 70% showed signs of discomfort and diseases related to venous system. Ten respondents who showed major problems or pathological changes, were given custom made Sigvaris graduated compression stockings, which they wore for eight weeks. Final results of the first study showed that the feeling of heaviness in the legs reduced in 55.55% of respondents, while 66.66% patients recorded reduced pain in legs when standing for a long time. Issues of swelling of the bottom of the feet and lower legs disappeared for all patients. In the second study, which included adding a dose of Diosmin in addition to compression stockings, 66.66% of the patients saw signs of heaviness feeling in the legs improve, 77.77% recorded that pain in the legs when standing for a long time decreased and 100% of patients saw swelling of the bottom of the feet and lower legs disappear. This eight week study was too short to show significant signs of improvement in varicose, however, we expect that in six months, patients will begin to show signs of improvement in varicose altered veins. When comparing the results of the first and second study, we concluded that the three-month combination therapy of compression stockings and Diosmin yielded 12.5% better results of reduction of the following symptoms: feeling of heaviness in the legs, pain in the legs when standing for a long time, then when just using the compression socks (study 1).
Oboljenja vena spadaju u najučestalije bolesti savremenog čoveka,odmah posle kariesa zuba. Na njihov nastanak utiču nasledni i stečeni faktori. Stečeni fatori rizika najčešće su okidač za aktiviranje naslednih faltora (predispozicije) na koje se može efikasno delovati, kako preventivno tako i terapijski. U Hirurškoj klinici KBC Zvezdara, nastavnoj bazi Stomatološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, sprovedene su dve studije na studentima IV i V godine slučajnim izborom ispitanika. U prvoj studiji su opservirani efekti monoterapije kompresivnim čarapama na tok oboljenja vena, druga studija je nastavak prve i ispitanici su pored kompresivnih čarapa uzimali i venotonik Diosmin (Detralex 1000 mg). U grupi od 30 ispitanika znake oboljenja vezane za venski sistem pokazalo je 70% ispitanika, a pozitivnu porodičnu anamnezu je imalo 49% ispitanika. Deset ispitanika je imalo značajne tegobe ili patološke promene koje su zahtevale neku terapiju i dobili su graduisane kompresivne čarape po meri firme Sigvaris, koje su nosili 8 nedelja. Završni rezultati prve studije pokazali su da je poboljšanje osećaja težine u nogama osetilo 55,55% ispitanika, smanjenje bolova u nogama pri dužem stajanju zabeleženo je kod 66,66% ispitanika, otoke stopala i potkolenica nije imao više nijedan ispitanik (smanjenje tegoba 100%) U drugoj studiji, u kojoj je pored kompresivnih čarapa bio uključen i venotonik nakon osam nedeljne primene kombinovane terapije poboljšanje simptoma osećaja težine u nogama osetilo je 66,66% ispitanika, bolove kod dužeg stajanja 77,77%, dok se i u ovoj studiji pokazalo da otoke stopala i potkolenica na kraju studije nije imao nijedan ispitanik (100% poboljšanje). Za povlačenje varikoziteta je studija bila suviše kratka ali posle 6 meci je za očekivati i poboljšanje stanja varikozno izmenjenih vena. Komparacijom rezultata prve i druge studije došli smo do zaključka da je tromesečna kombinovana terapija kompresivnim čarapama i venotonikom dala bolje rezultate za 12,5% u smanjenju simptoma osećaja težine u nogama i bolova u nogama pri dužem stajanju u odnosu na monoterapiju samo kompresivnim sredstvima.
Databáze: OpenAIRE