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Статья посвящена анализу роли архетипов и символов в формировании текстовой матрицы на примере текстов литературных сказок "Аленький цветочек" С. Т. Аксакова и "Красавица и Зверь" Жанны-Марии Ле Пренс де Бомон, а также на примере стихотворения М. Цветаевой "Ледяная тиара гор". The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of archetypes and symbols in the formation of the text matrix based on the example of literary fairy tale texts united by a common story line under the conditional name “Girl and the Beast” and published by different authors at different times and in different languages, and also on the example of the poem by M. Tsvetaeva “The Ice Tiara of the Mountains”. In particular, two well-known texts of fairy tales are compared: “The Scarlet Flower” by S. T. Aksakova - the eastern version of the plot - and “Beauty and the Beast” by Jeanne-Marie Le Prens de Beaumont - the western version of the plot. The symbolic poem by M. Tsvetaeva, that opens the cycle “Poems for an phan”. Филологический класс, Issue Т. 25, № 2, Pages 80-92 |