Local and Systemic Functional Responses of Mouse Macrophages to Intravaginal Infection with Type 2 Herpes Simplex Virus and Vaccination

Autor: L. G. Zaitseva, G. M. Shaposhnikova, I. V. Kireeva, V. A. Bekhalo, V. G. Nesterenko, I. F. Barinskii, E. V. Nagurskaya
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 163:68-72
ISSN: 1573-8221
Popis: Activity of cathepsin D and phagocytosis of macrophages from vaginal lavage fluid, peritoneal exudation, and spleen were studied in mice of sensitive (DBA/2) and resistant (BALB/c) lines after intravaginal infection with type 2 herpes simplex virus and vaccination. Activity of cathepsin D and intensity of phagocytosis (irrespective of the macrophage source) and their ratio in BALB/c mice in early terms after infection were close to the control levels taken as a unit. In DBA/2 mice, these parameters and their balance were shifted and changes in cathepsin D activity depended on the time after challenge. Activities of cellular and extracellular cathepsin D increased sharply on day 1 postinfection under conditions of local virus interaction with the vaginal mucosa and activation of the pathological process. Later, after generalization of the infection, activity of cathepsin D decreased, while phagocytosis increased in all the studied macrophage populations. Vaccination corrected the cathepsin D/phagocytosis imbalance and created conditions for rapid elimination of the virus.
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