Intention to Transfer and Transfer Following eLearning in Spain

Autor: Carla Quesada-Pallarès, Aitana González-Ortiz-de-Zárate, Pilar Pineda-Herrero, Eduardo Cascallar
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: udiMundus. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid
Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
ISSN: 1874-7868
Popis: Understanding vocational learning and transfer is vital to European citizens. We need to understand how transfer works, which factors influence it, and how these factors affect employee behaviour. Research in online training specific to Southern Europe is needed to move the field forward. The Unified Model of Motivation for Training Transfer (MTT) was proposed to understand behaviour change after training. It conceives three phases: (1) forming transfer intentions, (2) actualizing implementation intentions for transfer, and (3) strengthening transfer commitment. We analysed initial transfer intention and transfer following online training in three Spanish organisations. We used an ex post facto prospective design with one group (n = 204). We applied the online version of the Initial Transfer Intention questionnaire (ITI) three days before the training, and the Transfer Questionnaire (TrQ) three to four months after the training. Training consisted of 22 online courses offered by the three participating organisations. A cluster analysis and post hoc analysis were performed. We identified three groups (k = 3), indicating that there were significant differences in the means between employees with low and high intention to transfer. Results showed a greater difference in the factor profile between participants with LowPT and HighPT. We identified common characteristics among people with low levels of transfer; this information can help understand what type of employee will transfer less and provide cues on how to prevent this from happening in future training activities. Limitations and recommendations for research and practice are discussed. ispartof: VOCATIONS AND LEARNING vol:15 issue:2 pages:359-385 ispartof: location:Netherlands status: published
Databáze: OpenAIRE