Ecomorphological position of shrew species in functional trait space defined by NMDS from Functional volumes, niche packing and species richness: biogeographic legacies in the Congo Basin

Autor: Perre, Frederik Van De, Willig, Michael R., Presley, Steven J., Itoka Jean-Claude Mukinzi, Mbalitini Sylvestre Gambalemoke, Leirs, Herwig, Verheyen, Erik
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.11925951
Popis: (a) Point colours indicate whether species occur only in the CLF (blue), only in the NLF (orange), or in both ecoregions (grey). Polygons represent two-dimensional Hull curves for the species of each ecoregion (orange for CLF, blue for NLF). Species codes: Cca, Crocidura caliginea, Ccd, Crocidura cf. dolichura; Ccf, Crocidura cf. fuscomurina; Ccl, Crocidura cf. littoralis, Ccm, Crocidura cf. muricauda, Cco, Crocidura cf. olivieri; Ccr, Crocidura crenata; Cde, Crocidura denti; Cgo, Crocidura goliath; Cgr, Crocidura grassei; Cla, Crocidura latona; Clu, Crocidura ludia, Cyo, Crocidura yoko sp1; Psc, Paracrocidura schoutedeni; Syo, Scutisorex yokoensis; Sco, Scutisorex congicus; Scr, Suncus cf. remyi; Sak, Sylvisorex akaibei; Scj, Sylvisorex cf. johnstoni; Sol, Sylvisorex cf. ollula; Sns, Sylvisorex nsp1. (b) Vectors show the magnitude and direction of correlation of each trait with axis scores. See text for definition of trait codes: EB, EL/HB; FB, HF/HB; TB, TL/HB; WT, WT; GC, GWS/CI; IC, IW/CI; LC, LTR/CI; UC, UTR/CI.
Databáze: OpenAIRE