Production vine 'Superior Seedless' cultured under different water stress conditions

Autor: Essione Ribeiro Souza, Sérgio Oliveira Pinto Queiroz, José Anchieta de Assunção Pionório, Valtamir Gonçalves Ribeiro
Přispěvatelé: Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Scopus
Repositório Institucional da UNESP
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Popis: 1 RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o numero total de cachos por planta e concentracao de acucares totais em ramos de videira ‘Superior Seedless’ submetidas a diferentes tensoes de agua no solo. O delineamento estatistico utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com 4 tratamentos (a) Testemunha, b) tensao de 70 kPa, c) tensao 50 kPa, d) tensao de 30 kPa, e 6 repeticoes, sendo cada parcela constituida por duas plantas. Foram determinadas curvas de umidade de solo em laboratorio e em campo, fertilidade de gema potencial (realizada sob lupa (aumento: 30 vezes), coletando-se 17 sarmentos no braco primario da planta, contendo 15 gemas cada), fertilidade real (utilizando-se a razao: numero de gemas ferteis pelo numero total de gemas brotadas por planta) e acucares totais. As condicoes laboratoriais favoreceram a chegada da tensao a -70 kPa em apenas 21 dias durante o procedimento de determinacao da curva de retencao em laboratorio. As diferentes tensoes aplicadas ao solo nao promoveram diferencas significativas quanto ao numero total de cacho por planta. Contudo, a tensao de -30 kPa apresentou uma reducao de 68% na lâmina de irrigacao quando comparado com a testemunha e o percentual de carboidratos nos ramos da videira ‘Superior Seedless foi influenciado pelas diferentes tensoes de agua no solo. Palavras-chave: Irrigacao, manejo, acucares totais SOUZA, E. R.; PIONORIO, J. A. de A.; RIBEIRO, V. G.; QUEIROZ, S. O. P. de PRODUCTION VINE 'SUPERIOR SEEDLESS' CULTURED UNDER DIFFERENT WATER STRESS CONDITIONS 2 ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the total number of clusters per plant and the sugar concentration of “Superior Seedless” grapevine branches under different soil water tensions conditions. The statistical design was a randomized block with 4 treatments (a) control, b) 70 kPa tension, c) 50 kPa tension, d) 30 kPa tension, and 6 replications, each plot consisting of two plants. Soil moisture curves were plotted in laboratory and field conditions, potential bud fertility (carried out with the help of a 30x magnifier glass and collecting 17 branches in the primary arm of the plant with 15 buds each), actual fertility (given by the fertile buds to sprouted buds per plant ratio) and total sugars. Laboratory conditions helped stress to reach a -70 kPa level in just 21 days during the procedure to determine the retention curve in the laboratory. The different stress levels applied to the soil did not cause significant differences in the total number of clusters per plant. However, a -30 kPa stress showed a 68% reduction in water depth when compared to control and different soil water stress affected the carbohydrate percentage in branches of the “Superior Seedless” vine. Keywords: Irrigation, management, total sugars uss� prx�� P� eria for irrigation management. The present research was conducted at the Curu-Pentecoste irrigation perimeter, Ceara, Brazil to determine the response of precocious dwarf cashew (Anacardium occidentale L) BRS 189 under different irrigation schedules, with the reuse of irrigation water by a microsprinkle system. The total soluble solid content (oBrix), crop yield and irrigation water productivity were evaluated. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four treatments and four replications. One treatment consisted of dryland cultivation and three others of cultivation under scheduled irrigation, respectively watering every one, two and three days. Irrigation increased crop yield by 92% when compared to dryland crop yield. Neither irrigation presence nor its frequency showed influence on the peduncle’s total soluble solid content. Keywords: Anacardium occidentale L ; water productivity; irrigation frequency; total soluble solid content
Databáze: OpenAIRE