ACCF/AHA/AAP recommendations for training in pediatric cardiology. A report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association/American College of Physicians Task Force on Clinical Competence (ACC/AHA/AAP Writing Committee to Develop Training Recommendations for Pediatric Cardiology)

Autor: Thomas P, Graham, Robert H, Beekman, Hugh D, Allen, J Timothy, Bricker, Michael D, Freed, Roger A, Hurwitz, Tim C, McQuinn, Richard M, Schieken, William B, Strong, Kenneth G, Zahka, Stephen P, Sanders, Steven D, Colan, Timothy M, Cordes, Mary T, Donofrio, Gregory J, Ensing, Tal, Geva, Thomas R, Kimball, David J, Sahn, Norman H, Silverman, Mark S, Sklansky, Paul M, Weinberg, William E, Hellenbrand, Thomas R, Lloyd, James E, Lock, Charles E, Mullins, Jonathan J, Romes, David F, Teitel, Victoria L, Vetter, Michael J, Silka, George F, Van Hare, Edward P, Walsh, Thomas, Kulik, Therese M, Giglia, Keith C, Kocis, Larry T, Mahoney, Steven M, Schwartz, Gil, Wernovsky, David L, Wessel, Daniel, Murphy, Elyse, Foster, D Woodrow, Benson, H Scott, Baldwin, John W, Hirshfeld, John D, Kugler, William B, Moskowitz, Mark A, Creager, Beverly H, Lorell, Geno, Merli, George P, Rodgers, John D, Rutherford, Cynthia M, Tracy, Howard H, Weitz
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Circulation. 112(16)
ISSN: 1524-4539
Popis: SUMMARY It is vital to the future intellectual health of cardiovascularmedicine and the welfare of pediatric patients with cardiovas-cular disease that all future pediatric cardiologists be familiarwith the principles and tools of research. Training in researchrequires the intense involvement of productive and establishedinvestigators. Those trainees preparing for a career in investi-gative cardiology require a carefully developed but flexibleeducational plan that will permit them to be successful in theirresearch careers over an extended period. REFERENCES 1. Sonnenblick EH, Ryan TI, Starke RD. Task force 7: training incardiovascular research. J Am Coll Cardiol 1995;25:25–8.2. Roberts R, Alexander RW, Loscalzo J, Williams RS. Task force 7:training in cardiovascular research. Available at: 2002. Accessed August 10, 2004.3. NHLBI Task Force Report on Pediatric Cardiovascular Diseases.Available at: August 10, 2004.
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