Autonomous load balancing of heterogeneous networks

Autor: Tomas Lundborg, Olof Görnerup, Per Kreuger, Diarmuid Corcoran, Andreas Ermedahl, Daniel Gillblad
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: VTC Spring
Popis: This paper presents a method for load balancing heterogeneous networks by dynamically assigning values to the LTE cell range expansion (CRE) parameter. The method records hand-over events online and adapts flexibly to changes in terminal traffic and mobility by maintaining statistical estimators that are used to support autonomous assignment decisions. The proposed approach has low overhead and is highly scalable due to a modularised and completely distributed design that exploits self- organisation based on local inter-cell interactions. An advanced simulator that incorporates terminal traffic patterns and mobility models with a radio access network simulator has been developed to validate and evaluate the method. HetNet
Databáze: OpenAIRE