Thermophilic PHB depolymerase ofStenotrophomonassp., an isolate from the plastic contaminated site is best purified on Octyl-Sepharose CL-4B

Autor: Asad Syed, R. Z. Sayyed, S. J. Wani, Hesham A. El-Enshasy, S. S. Shaikh, Helal F. Al-Harthi
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: There are numerous reports on PHB depolymerases produced by a wide variety of microorganisms isolated from various habitats, however, reports on PHB depolymerase isolated from plastic contaminated sites are scares. Thermophilic PHB polymerase produced by isolates obtained from plastic contaminated sites is expected to have better relevance for its application in plastic/ bioplastic degradation. Although PHB has attracted commercial significance, the inefficient production and recovery methods, inefficient purification of PHB depolymerase and lack of ample knowledge on PHB degradation by PHB depolymerase have hampered its large scale commercialization. Therefore, to ensure the biodegradability of biopolymers, it becomes imperative to study the purification of the biodegrading enzyme system. We report the production, purification, and characterization of extracellular PHB depolymerase fromStenotrophomonassp. RZS 7 isolated from a plastic contaminated site. The isolate produced extracellular poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) depolymerase in the mineral salt medium at 30oC during 4 days of incubation under shake flask condition. Purification of the enzyme was carried out by three different methods using PHB as a substrate. Purification of PHB depolymerase by ammonium salt precipitation, column chromatography, and solvent purification method was successfully carried out. Among the purification method tested, the enzyme was best purified by column chromatography on Octyl-Sepharose CL-4B column with maximum (0.7993 U/mg/ml) purification yield. The molecular weight of purified PHB depolymerase (40 kDa) closely resembled with PHB depolymerase ofAureobacterium saperdae.
Databáze: OpenAIRE