Commentary: Moral and Ethical Leadership in the Age of Diversity, Equity, Inclusiveness and Social Accountability

Autor: Alex, Anawati, Sarita, Verma
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Healthcare Quarterly. 24:18-22
ISSN: 1710-2774
DOI: 10.12927/hcq.2021.26624
Popis: This article weighs three important moral and ethical considerations for leaders in healthcare: their obligations to society, their privilege as leaders and how value goes beyond a simple cost analysis. Leaders highly motivated by the bottom line have avoided the long overdue action on moral and ethical considerations critical to a more just and fairer society. Leaders are now being tasked to develop strategies for health equity, anti-oppression, anti-racism, social justice, diversity, equity and inclusiveness, community engagement, the social determinants of health and environmental accountability, and to demonstrate that their disruptive work adds more value to society than what can be measured in spreadsheet metrics.
Databáze: OpenAIRE