Can intraoperative prebypass arteriography substitute for the preoperative arteriogram?

Autor: Michael A. Zatina, William B. Schroder, Donald K. Wilkerson, Dawn A. Tarantino
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Annals of vascular surgery. 5(2)
ISSN: 0890-5096
Popis: Preoperative contrast arteriography is presently considered a requirement when planning infrainguinal arterial reconstructions in patients with limb-threatening ischemia. We reviewed the clinical data from 22 infrainguinal bypasses done in 20 patients to see if appropriate decisions concerning operability and the nature of the operation could be made from the physical examination and noninvasive data supplemented by a limited intraoperative on-table prebypass arteriogram. The presence of a normal femoral pulse with either a normal thigh pulse volume tracing or a normal high-thigh index assured adequate inflow to the groin level. The presence of an arterial Doppler signal at the ankle level, heard with a hand held Doppler, confirmed the presence of patent outflow vessels for the distal anastomosis. The exact site of the distal anastomosis could be determined with the on-table prebypass arteriogram. In patients with limb-threatening ischemia due to occlusive disease limited to the infrainguinal arterial tree, an appropriate operative bypass may be performed without the aid of the preoperative arteriogram.
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