Effects of the Symmetry Energy and its Slope on Neutron Star Properties

Autor: Débora P. Menezes, L. L. Lopes
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: In this work we study the influence of the symmetry energy and its slope on three major properties of neutron stars: the maximum mass, the radii of the canonical 1.4$M_\odot$ and the minimum mass that enables the direct URCA effect. We utilize four parametrizations of the relativistic quantum hadrodynamics and vary the symmetry energy within accepted values. We see that although the maximum mass is almost independent of it, the radius of the canonical $1.4M_\odot$ and the mass that enables the direct URCA effect is strongly correlated with the symmetry energy and its slope. Also, since we expect that the radius grows with the slope, a theoretical limit arises when we increase this quantity above certain values.
RevTEX; 19 pages, 13 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE