Phase-Separated Nanophotonic Structures by Inkjet Printing

Autor: Uli Lemmer, Stefan Schlisske, Guillaume Gomard, Vinayak Narasimhan, Manuel Pietsch, Gerardo Hernandez-Sosa, Ihteaz M. Hossain, Fabian Schackmar, Adrian Mertens, Radwanul Hasan Siddique, Yidenekachew J. Donie
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: ACS nano. 15(4)
ISSN: 1936-086X
Popis: The spontaneous phase separation of two or more polymers is a thermodynamic process that can take place in both biological and synthetic materials and which results in the structuring of the matter from the micro- to the nanoscale. For photonic applications, it allows forming quasi-periodic or disordered assemblies of light scatterers at high throughput and low cost. The wet process methods currently used to fabricate phase-separated nanostructures (PSNs) limit the design possibilities, which in turn hinders the deployment of PSNs in commercialized products. To tackle this shortcoming, we introduce a versatile and industrially scalable deposition method based on the inkjet printing of a polymer blend, leading to PSNs with a feature size that is tuned from a few micrometers down to sub-100 nm. Consequently, PSNs can be rapidly processed into the desired macroscopic design. We demonstrate that these printed PSNs can improve light management in manifold photonic applications, exemplified here by exploiting them as a light extraction layer and a metasurface for light-emitting devices and point-of-care biosensors, respectively.
Databáze: OpenAIRE