Distant entanglement via photon hopping in a coupled magnomechanical system

Autor: Sohail, Amjad, Peng, Jia-Xin, Abdelkader Hidki, S K Singh
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2307.09424
Popis: We theoretically propose a scheme to generate distant bipartite entanglement between various subsystems in coupled magnomechanical systems where both the microwave cavities are coupled through single photon hopping parameter. Each cavity also contains a magnon mode and phonon mode and this gives five excitation modes in our model Hamiltonian which are cavity-1 photons, cavity-2 photons, magnon, and phonon modes in both YIG spheres. We found that significant bipartite entanglement exists between indirectly coupled subsystems in coupled microwave cavities for an appropriate set of parameters regime. Moreover, we also obtain suitable cavity and magnon detuning parameters for a significant distant bipartite entanglement in different bipartitions. In addition, it can be seen that a single photon hopping parameter significantly affects both the degree as well as the transfer of quantum entanglement between various bipartitions. Hence, our present study related to coupled microwave cavity magnomechanical configuration will open new perspectives in coherent control of various quantum correlations including quantum state transfer among macroscopic quantum systems
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