Entropy in Dichotic Listening EEEG Recordings

Autor: Murat Özgören, C. Cengiz Çelikoğlu, Alper Vahaplar
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Mathematical and Computational Applications; Volume 16; Issue 1; Pages: 43-52
ISSN: 2297-8747
Popis: The dichotic listening (DL) paradigm has an important role in brain asymmetry studies at the behavioral level. In dichotic listening, the subjects are alerted by diotic or dichotic stimuli which are meaningless, consonant vowel syllables on both ears. The subjects then presented the syllable they heard through a 6 button keypad. During this procedure, the EEG signals of the subjects were recorded by a 64 channel cap. Entropy is a measure of complexity or disorder in a signal. In other words, it is a measure of uncertainty of information in a statistical description of a system. The Shannon entropy gives a useful criterion for analyzing and comparing probability distribution, it provides a measure of the information of any distribution. In this study, the EEG recordings are examined by their entropy values. Different entropy measures are compared for different time intervals. EEG data and dichotic listening paradigm are evaluated in terms of entropy changes. The effects of ear advantage and auditory stimuli are investigated on entropy.
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