My future-self has (not) quit smoking: An experimental study into the effect of a future-self intervention on smoking-related self-identity constructs

Autor: Kristell M. Penfornis, Winifred A. Gebhardt, Ralph C.A. Rippe, Colette Van Laar, Bas van den Putte, Eline Meijer
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Envisioning one's (non)smoking future may make (un)desired future identities more accessible, salient, and personally relevant and facilitate smoking cessation. The current study assessed whether a future-self intervention can weaken smoker self-identity and expected identity loss when quitting smoking, and strengthen quitter- and nonsmoker self-identity, while accounting for personal factors—socioeconomic position, nicotine dependence, consideration of future consequences, and clarity of the envisioned future-self. Additionally, it examined the association between smoking-related identity and quitting intention and behavior. ispartof: Social Science & Medicine vol:320 status: Published online
Databáze: OpenAIRE