Preliminary Overview of Data Mining Technology for Knowledge Management System in Institutions of Higher Learning

Autor: Muslihah Wook, Zawiyah M. Yusof, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1077595
Popis: Data mining has been integrated into application systems to enhance the quality of the decision-making process. This study aims to focus on the integration of data mining technology and Knowledge Management System (KMS), due to the ability of data mining technology to create useful knowledge from large volumes of data. Meanwhile, KMS vitally support the creation and use of knowledge. The integration of data mining technology and KMS are popularly used in business for enhancing and sustaining organizational performance. However, there is a lack of studies that applied data mining technology and KMS in the education sector; particularly students- academic performance since this could reflect the IHL performance. Realizing its importance, this study seeks to integrate data mining technology and KMS to promote an effective management of knowledge within IHLs. Several concepts from literature are adapted, for proposing the new integrative data mining technology and KMS framework to an IHL.
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