Species Composition and Diversity of Vascular Plant in Rhizha Montane Forest Jos

Autor: J.J. Azila, A.O. Shoyemi-Obawanle, J.J., Mbah, Shoyemi Aduratola Olubunmi, E.A. Bassey, Ubana Eshimutu
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 0856-1761
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7536861
Popis: This paper ascertained the species Composition and diversity of vascular plants in the Rhizha montane forest area of Jos North Plateau State Nigeria. Vascular plants have undergone different levels of disturbance due to an unprecedented increase in anthropogenic activities, which have led to the cutting of plants for fuel wood, charcoal production, and infrastructural development. Six plots were systematically established. A 20×20 m plot was used for the sampling of trees, lianas, and climbers. The plot of size 5×2 m was used for sampling shrubs and saplings, which were nested in the 20×20 m plot. The grasses and herbs were sampled in smaller plots measuring 2×0.5 m, which were randomly nested in the 20 × 20 m plot. One hundred and twenty-six (126) species(99 woody,19 herbaceous and 8 types of grass were sampled belonging to fifty-two (52) families with 1501 individuals with 2.89% of grass covers. The woody species, Clerodendrum capitatum has a high abundance of (278) while Ochna serrulata, Olax subscorpioidea, Oxytenanthera abyssinica, Pavetta corymbosa, Psychotria viridis, Pterocarpus erinaceus, Securidaca longipedunculata, Senegalia ataxacantha, Syzygium guineense subsp. macrocarpum, Trichilia emetica, Vitex doniana,Zanha africana,Abrus precatorius, Bersama abyssinica, Bridelia micrantha, Carissa edulis, Cayratia mollissima,Ceropegia spp., Cissus spp., Croton zambesicus, Cussonia arborea, Daniellia oliveri, Ficus cordata, Ficus religiosa, Ficus thonningii, Heeria reticulata, Hymenocardia acida, Keetia venosa,Kleinia cliffordiana, Musa acuminata, and Pavetta spp.,all have low abundance of one (1) each. The grass, Rottboellia cochinchinensis had the highest percentage occurrence (2.07). The herb, Aspilia africana has the highest abundance of (278) while Adiantum Philippines, Bidens biternata Crotalaria spp., Desmodium grahamii and Lippia javanica has low abundance of one (1) each. Rubiaceae family has the highest number of species with 363 while Polygalaceae and Verbenaceae has the lowest abundance of one (1) species each. while Lippia javanica , Adiantum Philippines, Bidens biternata, is the lowest abundance species with a total number of one (1) species. The most abundance family of herbaceous plants is the Asteraceae with a total number of 98 species. Species Composition by the family shows that Moraceae has the highest species richness of (8) while Rubiaceae has highest species abundance of (363). The results showed a restricted abundance of some species which may be attributed to competition for nutrients, limited light by canopy trees, and destruction of undergrowth during tree snapped and logging on the forest floor. It was recommended that effective conservation and sustainable management of the forest would make it possible for the said forest to continue providing goods and services necessary for communities around the Rhizha montane forest.
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