Embryonic Development of the Specific Vestibular Hair Cell Pathology in A Strain of the Waltzing Guinea Pig

Autor: Matti Anniko, Aron Sobin
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 96:397-405
ISSN: 1651-2251
DOI: 10.3109/00016488309132725
Popis: The cytodifferentiation and maturation of vestibular hair cells, and the pathological development of vestibular type I hair cells, were followed in a strain of the waltzing guinea pig. The hair cells are first identified on the 30th gestational day. During the next 7-10 days the number of hair cells increases considerably in parallel with cytodifferentiation: the development of stereocilia, the cuticular plate, the afferent nerve terminals and the formation of synaptic contacts. On the 48th gestational day efferent nerve terminals are identified as are also a large number of fully developed nerve calyces. Differentiation into hair cells type I and type II was clearly evident at this stage. The first pathological finding appeared on the 38th gestational day as fusion of stereocilia. Actin filament rods in type I hair cells are identified with certainty on the 60th gestational day. In parallel with the in vivo development, inner ear explants (30-50th gestational days) were cultured in vitro. In this material actin filament rods were found already in 30th gestational day explants cultured 8 days in vitro. At this stage also hair cell protrusion and sensory hair fusion occurred.
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