Generation of a maximally entangled state using collective optical pumping

Autor: M. Malinowski, C. Zhang, V. Negnevitsky, I. Rojkov, F. Reiter, T.-L. Nguyen, M. Stadler, D. Kienzler, K. K. Mehta, J. P. Home
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Physical Review Letters, 128 (8)
ISSN: 0031-9007
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2107.10374
Popis: We propose and implement a novel scheme for dissipatively pumping two qubits into a singlet Bell state. The method relies on a process of collective optical pumping to an excited level, to which all states apart from the singlet are coupled. We apply the method to deterministically entangle two trapped 40Ca+ ions. Within 16 pumping cycles, an initially separable state is transformed into one with 83(1)% singlet fidelity, and states with initial fidelity of ⪆70% converge onto a fidelity of 93(1)%. We theoretically analyze the performance and error susceptibility of the scheme and find it to be insensitive to a large class of experimentally relevant noise sources.
Physical Review Letters, 128 (8)
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