Etoposide, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide and high-dose betamethasone (EACB) as outpatient salvage therapy for refractory multiple myeloma

Autor: M. Järnmark, H. Gyllenhammar, A.-M. Udén, Bengt Smedmyr, G. Brenning, Kristina Carlson, Astrid Gruber, M. Ohrling, R. Hast, C. Paul, Anders Österborg, Fredrik Celsing, G. Gahrton, Bengt Simonsson, Eva Kimby, Olle Linder, Bertil Johansson, Gunnar Juliusson, Richard A. Lerner, M. Björeman, Karl Merk, Håkan Mellstedt, Eva Ösby, Erik Svedmyr, Magnus Björkholm, A.-M. Stalfelt, G. Grimfors
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: European journal of haematology. 51(1)
ISSN: 0902-4441
Popis: Fifty-six patients with refractory multiple myeloma were treated with intermittent courses of etoposide, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide and high-dose betamethasone (EACB) every 4th week. The overall response rate was 30%. Durable remissions exceeding 1 year were obtained in 12 of the 17 responding patients. A significant prolongation of the survival time was found for responding patients (median 13 months) compared to those patients who did not respond (median 9 months) to EACB therapy (p = 0.01). A low frequency of neutropenic fever episodes was noted compared to other salvage treatment regimens. The EACB regimen was usually well tolerated and could be administered safely on an out-patient basis. This regimen might be an alternative especially for elderly patients unresponsive to initial therapy.
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