Design Led Innovation to Rejuvenate Local Food Systems and Healthy Communities: an Emerging Research Agenda

Autor: Rebecca Ramsey, Anna Meroni, Cara Wrigley, Emily Ballantyne-Brodie
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Popis: Food Sovereignty (food freedom) is about empoweing people to develop their own local food system. Food Sovereignty challenges designers to enable people to innovate the local food system, rather than having a food system which is dictated by corporate interests and failed business ethics [1]. Communities are realising the potential for design to assist in the innovation process, and add strategic value to potentially localise the food system [2]. Design Led Innovation (DLI) offers a strategic framework to address large-scale cultural, systemic and economic changes. The DLI approach empowers communities to take organised action to achieve a healthy, prosperous and happy way of life. DLI can assist with business models in the business world and it is evident this approach can assist with creating social change too [14]. This paper presents an emerging research agenda aimed to assist designers shift their focus from individuals and systems to communities and urban problems. This paper also presents the research proposition that DLI and service design coupled with social entrepreneurial ventures such as local food projects and creative community inventions, have the potential to enable social innovation for healthy and happy communities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE