Estado epiléptico no convulsivo en niños

Autor: María de los Ángeles Avaria B, Ledia Troncoso A, Isabel López S, Fernando Novoa S, Karin Kleinsteuber S.
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Revista chilena de pediatría v.66 n.5 1995
SciELO Chile
Popis: To enhance detection and follow up studies in patients with non convulsive status epilepticus, five cases in children cged six to eighteen years are reported: two girls aged 10 and 16 years had complex partial status, another ^vo cases (an 1 8 year old girl a^d a 7 year old boy) had petit rnal status a^d a six year old girl hod sleep epileptic status. AI coses were documented by se-icl elecroencephaiographic ana video electroencephalography monitoring. Qualitative impairment of conciousness or behavioural abnormalities lasting at least 24 h, coincidentaly with epileptiform elecrcencephalographic activity were observed in all of them. Responses to treatment were vcriable. Sezure recurrence was seen ir. bo'h cases or complex partial status and seizures persisted in one patient with petit mal status and ^n ihe girl with sleep epleptic status. Non convulsive staus epileptics should be ccnside'ed in the diferen1al diagnosis of any 'Ong lasting impairment of conciousness specially in epileptic chi dren.
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